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High speed hosting

High speed for e-commerce and web applications

Are you looking for high-speed hosting without spending a lot of money?

Are you tired of getting crazy bills from Azure or Amazon? and tired of being unable to predict their exact cost?

Like you, we are tired of paying high monthly fees for high-speed hosting at no reason: as hosting brokers, we will find the best high-speed hosting for you, at the most affordable price. Independent hosting companies can now offer you unprecedented quality at a great price.

E-commerce and web application hosting services can be featured with:

  • uptime monitoring services for uninterrupted service assurance, both unauthenticated and authenticated
  • weekly/monthly vulnerability assessment testing and reporting
  • performance testing

Tell us about your e-commerce average daily visitors/orders and we will offer you 3 different hosting solutions at a great price. Then we will discuss together which is the most suitable for you.

For payment, we accept bank Swift, debit/credit CARDS, and Bitcoin.

Start your journey into hosting quality here!

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High speed for WordPress

WordPress secure hosting

WordPress is the world’s most popular content management system (CMS). Far from being just a blogging solution, WordPress is successfully used by several corporate to publish corporate websites and complex web platforms able to generate terrific revenues.

If you’ve thought about creating an online destination smooth to maintain, you should consider going the WordPress hosting route, as it offers many benefits.
But when it comes to hosting, the offer is crowded with opportunities and choosing the right one is not an easy task.

The vast majority of Web hosts offer some kind of WordPress service, but finding a secure one, in an optimized or managed environment is not easy because it deserves experience and uncommon skills for the vast majority of the company.

Optanex WordPress Secure Hosting

You have a WordPress website or platform with added value for your business:

  • the corporate website, the heart of the web reputation of the Company, the first asset a prospect will check to decide to transform itself into a customer;
  • a web tool or platform able to generate revenue. It could be your eCommerce or your lead generation tool able to convert prospects into customers;
  • every WordPress-based solution able to generate profit for you.

Optanex WordPress Secure Hosting Includes:

  • High-performance, scalable web hosting
  • WordPress updates and general maintenance services
  • backup service with 30 restore days
  • Monthly Vulnerability Assessment performed with enterprise-grade software
  • website monitoring services for uninterrupted service assurance
  • weekly vulnerability assessment testing and reporting

Finding a decent WordPress hosting could already be a tedious process. Finding a WordPress-secured hosting service able to fit the independence requested by customers with security and high service standards could be almost a challenge.

So, if you need a solution that will provide you with high-security standards on WordPress for your web presence with rock-solid reliability and not break the bank, get in touch with us today.

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About us

At Optanex we believe that to develop great web applications, manage strategic IT services and create successful marketing campaigns are needed excellent developers and system engineers, but also eclectic people.

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